About me

I am a psychiatrist and mother of two, who lives and practices in Canada’s capital city, Ottawa. I have experience treating patients in both acute psychiatric inpatient units as well as in community settings. Currently the bulk of my work is in first episode psychosis.

Though I have been in practice since 2017, I still feel very green in this job. I have been surprised at how core beliefs I held about this field have been constantly challenged with the real world experiences of being a psychiatrist. As a result, where I saw my place in mental health and the world has been going through some big changes.

I want this blog to be about this journey and the evolution of my career and myself as a psychiatrist/therapist trying to meet the needs of my patients/clients.

I want this blog to be about my own thoughts and insights as I try to do my best in living my own life and supporting others live theirs.

I want this blog to be about the emotional and complicated mess that is being humans trying to live our best lives, and to do so without judgement.

I want this blog to speak to and bear witness to the stumbles, the suffering, the strength and the resilience in those I meet who endure and persevere in their journey to find a life worth living.

Lastly, I want this blog to communicate my passion for it all.