Good Psychiatry
Good Psychiatry: The First Meeting
This is the first in a series where I hope to describe the care I offer to my patients. I have thought a lot about what it is to provide good psychiatric care, because interestingly, I do not believe I was trained with this in mind. In my time as
Good Psychiatry: The First Meeting, Giving Patient Feedback using The Case Formulation
This is the second installment of a series where I describe the care I offer to my patients. After I have asked all the questions needed for the initial assessment, the next task (in the same appointment if possible) is to come up with my case formulation. A case formulation
Examples of Case Formulations
Patient names and details have been changed for confidentiality. Case formulation #1: Catherine is a 35 year old woman who experienced her first depression in university after a break-up. She tells me her depression resolved on its own. She had a relapse in 2020 when she found out her husband