Hello "Ideal Reader", it is nice to meet you

Hello "Ideal Reader", it is nice to meet you
Photo by Derick McKinney / Unsplash

There is a course I took that asked me to think about the "ideal reader" for this blog.

The prompt was: "Brainstorm the kind of person you hope will read your blog. What do you want to say to them?"

Here is my answer:

The kind of people I hope will read this blog are those wanting to understand themselves better and have questions about their place in the world. They are open-minded and wanting to be honest with themselves even if it might hurt. The people I hope will read this blog have an interest in mental health and what it is to be human.

I admit, I kind of want this blog to be for everyone!

Now, what would I want to say to this "ideal reader"?

First, welcome! And thank you for being here.

I am excited to be on this journey with you of exploring and nurturing a relationship with yourself that is respectful, rewarding and meaningful. I have found that once you accept, know and love yourself, good things follow. I have also found that this is much easier said than done.

Without knowing it, we are all on a path of discovering ourselves in one way or another. I have been at it for many years and to be honest, it has been really difficult and surprisingly lonely. And though I know it is hard work (anything worthwhile is), I don't think it is meant to be done completely alone.

I hope I, and my "ideal readers" will find some kind of comradery, maybe even family here.