For Learners to Psychodynamic Therapy, Start Here

For Learners to Psychodynamic Therapy, Start Here
Photo by Maxime Horlaville / Unsplash

The following two articles are written by Psychodynamic psychotherapist Dr. John Shedler. I like them for their brevity and their plain, easy-to-understand language:


Podcasts are also useful in giving learners a sense of what it is we are trying to accomplish in therapy and the relationship and milieu we are trying to cultivate. You will notice again, that for psychodynamic therapy, my go-to is Dr. John Shedler. Very important is also being able to process difficult emotions during a therapy session and so I also included a podcast episode featuring Dr. Sue Johnson, the founder of emotion-focused therapy.

Episode 194: Dr. Sue Johnson: Attunement, Attachment and the Development of Emotionally Focused Therapy — Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast
Matt Yegge, David Puder, MD There are no conflicts of interest for this episode In today’s episode of the podcast, I interview Dr. Sue Johnson, founder of Emotionally Focused Therapy, an intervention for relationships aimed at resolving distress by helping clients become attuned within a secure
Episode 144: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Jonathan Shedler, Ph.D — Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast
Claire Baker, David Puder, MD Dr. Jonathan Shedler and David Puder have no conflicts of interest to report for the audio that goes with this article. Introduction In this episode, Dr. Puder interviews Jonathan Shedler, Ph.D. Their conversation covers the ideal length of therapy treatment, the
Evidence for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
In today’s podcast, we explore background knowledge, experiences, and misconceptions surrounding psychodynamic therapy and discuss how we define evidence for it with our guest, Dr. Jonathan Shedler.


The books by Nancy McWilliams and Glen Gabbard are the most widely-accepted and popular texts for psychodynamic psychotherapy particularly for learners.

I included Dr. Shea's psychiatric interviewing book in this list because it is an excellent text that teaches learners the art of the psychiatric interview. Ultimately, the interviewer is tasked with creating a supportive, safe and nonjudgmental space, while also making sure to leave as little influence or mark on the answers as possible, so as to get the truest, most accurate answer. It far easier said than done, but this book will get you started.

Alice Miller gives learners a sense of the kinds of early life experiences patients have for which they may seek therapy. In her book, she gives a context and understanding for how psychological symptoms in adulthood can be traced back to childhood. It is a goal in psychodynamic therapy to help patients understand this better for themselves.

Psychiatric Interviewing: The Art of Understanding: A Practical Guide for Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Counselors, Social Workers, Nurses, and Other Mental Health Professionals, with online video modules, 3e: Shea MD, Shawn Christopher: 9781437716986: Psychiatry: Amazon Canada
Up to 90% off Textbooks at Amazon Canada. Plus, free two-day shipping for six months when you sign up for Amazon Prime for Students.
Psychoanalytic Diagnosis: Second Edition: Understanding Personality Structure in the Clinical Process
This acclaimed clinical guide and widely adopted text has filled a key need in the field since its original publication. Nancy McWilliams makes psychoanalytic personality theory and its implications for practice accessible to practitioners of all levels of experience. She explains major character types and demonstrates specific ways that understanding the patient’s individual personality structure can influence the therapist’s focus and style of intervention.
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